The HP 35s allows both label and line number addressing in programs.The physical appearance and keyboard layout of the HP 35s is very different than that of its immediate predecessor, the HP 33s, but the two calculators are functionally very similar. However, it provides far more functions, processing power, and memory than most of those earlier models. The HP 35s has been given a retro look reminiscent of classic HP calculators from the 1970s to the 1990s. Keystroke programmability with approximately 30 kilobytes of memory for programs and data.Unit conversions and table of physical constants.Support for input and display of fractions.Numerical integration (first seen on the HP-34C).Equation solver with arbitrary variable isolation (first seen on the HP-18C).Operation in decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal.Over 800 memory registers (26 directly labelled).The HP 35s uses either Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) or algebraic infix notation as input. HP also released a limited production anniversary edition with shiny black overlay and engraving "Celebrating 35 years".

Although it is a successor to the HP 33s, it was introduced to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the HP-35, Hewlett-Packard's first pocket calculator (and the world's first pocket scientific calculator). The HP 35s (F2215A) is a Hewlett-Packard non-graphing programmable scientific calculator.