Download digimon world re digitize full english patch
Download digimon world re digitize full english patch

We hope there won’t be any typos or other issues, but on the assumption that there will be, we have added functionality to the patcher program to release updates if need be. Incidentally, I’m very happy to release it on this particular day since, as it happens, today is also my Birthday! While we could probably polish it even more, I feel it’s time for you guys to enjoy it. In playing through the game, there were times when it was hard to remember that this was written by us, that we are the authors of those very same English phrases that you guys are about to read. All I can say is: It’s fun! The game is fun! Every one of us played through the game, and I 100%’d my third run today. This is the Digimon World Re:Digitize Translation Patch! After testing over a period of about two weeks, in which all of us got little sleep, we are confident enough to release our baby to the world.

download digimon world re digitize full english patch

After almost 3 years of work, thousands of hours, tears, panic attacks, and all the hardships we had to face, it’s here.

Download digimon world re digitize full english patch